As part of Financial Capability month activities, NeighborWorks America has launched a new series of briefs and webinars to examine financial coaching as an effective approach to building financial capability. These exciting resources can help you and your organization learn how to effectively develop, integrate, and evaluate financial capability programs for low- and moderate-income people. The next webinar will broadcast on Wednesday April 9 at 3:00 pm ET entitled “The Art of Financial Coaching: Understanding the Skills Needed to Become a Successful Coach”.
As part of a partnership between NeighborWorks America and Citi Foundation launched in 2010, Success Measures has played a leading role in first developing more than 100 measurement tools to evaluate financial capability outcomes for diverse consumers and then focusing on the capacity building and evaluation of financial capability projects. A full set of financial capability tools is available for download at no cost.
This new learning series of briefs and webinars shares findings from the Financial Capability Demonstration Project, a 2.5 year, $5 million initiative between NeighborWorks and Citi Foundation to increase the capacity of nonprofit organizations to expand and strengthen financial capability programs for low- and moderate-income people. This comprehensive effort was planned and implemented across NeighborWorks’ divisions including the NeighborWorks Center for Homeownership Education and Counseling (NCHEC), NeighborWorks Training Institute (NTI), Success Measures, and NeighborWorks National Homeownership Programs.
Celebrate Financial Capability month – access briefs and register for
upcoming webinars now