In a Stanford Social Innovation Review blog by Mark Tobias, President of Pantheon, the Success Measures Data System (SMDS) is highlighted as an innovative technology tool, leading the trend for nonprofits of all kinds looking to expand the impact of their work. SMDS is a specialized online platform of data collection tools which help organizations simplify and conduct affordable in-house evaluations for the community development field.
In addition to this web-based service, Success Measures offers a range of tools and services to community development organizations, intermediaries, and funders in communities and metropolitan regions across the country. Services include customizable consulting & technical assistance such as workshops, coaching and specialized evaluation planning, as well as a comprehensive set of indicators and tools which can be tailored for specific audiences.
Since joining NeighborWorks America in 2004, the social enterprise has supported more than 530 community-based organizations and 25 of their funding and intermediary partners to evaluate a range of housing, economic development, financial capability, community stabilization and other place-based strategies
The complete article on nonprofit technology trends for 2013 is located at: